>>3514690On one hand, Elfen Lied is the original "gateway of the worst kind", but the hatred for it on 4chan was caused by the anime and its horrid fanbase, so I don't think anyone looks down on me or Nozomi for that reason like they might have if my waifu were, say, Lucy. I definitely did worry about people looking down on us for other reasons, but I was pleasantly surprised by how accepting others were of us once I worked up the courage to join the threads. It's something I'm always very grateful for.
>>3515059A lovely white wedding dress, of course.
>>3516093She taught Nyuu how to sing, which likely was a huge contributing factor to her learning to talk after the timeskip. I suppose she also taught Kouta not to make fun of others for their differences.
>>3515700She has a beautiful singing voice that's incredibly rare, known as Soprano Dramatico, but the drawback is that her vocal cords will give out one day if she strains her voice too much. Her underwear is also quite unique compared to the vast majority of people around her age, but on a more positive note, the way she handled her self-hatred over it by working as hard as she could to compensate for it by being a perfect student shows just how tenacious and gifted she is, as finding the drive to go on and do her best in a situation like hers is hardly something just anyone could do. Not only is she bright and a good singer, but also good at all sorts of other things like sewing and household tasks. In short, she's unique both when it comes to weaknesses and when it comes to strengths.
>>3516317>anniversaryI would take her out for a lovely meal, celebrate with some cake afterwards, then give her a bouquet of flowers.
>fearI would ask her whether she has any ideas about why she's afraid of it so that I can understand her perspective better, then hug her and reassure her that I'll do anything to protect her from whatever she's afraid of.