>>3472796>Wow, lucky. Wish my waifu had a Twitter holiday.While it seems to be celebrated mostly on Twitter, it is actually not just a Twitter thing. The Japanese have this kind of funny thing when it comes to their language that lets certain things have special days just because of their names. Sheik's name is pronounced "shi" "ku" in Japanese, and 4/9 also can pronounced that exact way. 4/19 can also be pronounced that same kind of way so there is debate on whether Sheik day should be April 9th or 19th, but it still stands. Many random things get special days like this just because of similar names. Goku for example has one and so does ice cream. Businesses on ice cream day will give discounted ice cream. So it follows that on Sheik day, artists will draw her.
>>3472798Sheik doesn't have a canon birthday or even one named. So Sheik day to me is essentially her birthday.
>>3472797>Hey Sheikfriend, would you consider a reverse-engineered Sheik contained in a computer simulation to be Sheik enough for you?I mean, that would be better than nothing, but it wouldn't be what I ultimately want. Can a computer really recreate Sheik perfectly? If she were real, she would be a living, breathing person who has feelings and could change over time. A simulation isn't the same as a real person. She wouldn't have her own will, she would just be following her programming. Not to mention there would likely be problems down the line. I want children with Sheik, a simulation isn't good enough for that. I want to trully feel in love with the real Sheik, not a simulation.