First post of a new decade loving waifu
>>3594420We would help her, maybe we would even help her and her friends find a good home but i really doubt we would adopt, i think only if the first girl really connected with us we would adopt her but even then im pretty sure we would still want to have our own kid
>>3594468A bunch of times, i do find it a bit funny remembering that her world had no idea of what bikinis are so maybe that was the most embarassing one
>>3594790beating them up is always an option i can take on an entire army for her, but if im not there im sure she is always gonna find a way to make people who bully her regret it later
>>3595389Carry her to our room so we can start making babies
>>3593717im sure we would argue at school a lot, but after school we would have a bunch of dates at parks or food places, we would also end up studying together a lot
>>3593719Have you ever seen the "special feeling" meme, it would be exactly like that
>>3593856i've been playing a bit of pokemon masters and i feel like her sync pair would be braixen, so that would probably be her favorite, thinking of a full team would be a bit harder i can see her having vespiquen maybe froslass or a fairy type like floette, really a lot of pokemon from kalos could fit her
favorite type is probably fairy or fire, most disliked one probably bug
im sure she would be a good trainer but maybe battles wouldn't be her main focus unless she meets someone very classy and strong like Dianta or Caitlin