>>3504911>wife's homelandMy Sheik was created from the triforce and her entire people and Zelda's people were wiped out for the most part and it became a barron wasteland. However, I can describe what her homeland, Hyrule, was like before Ganon ruined everything.
To quote the wiki:
>Once ruled by the goddess Hylia as an unnamed land in ancient times, it became established as the Kingdom of Hyrule by the descendants of her mortal incarnation. The sacred bloodline that was started by the Link and Zelda of Skyward Sword would go on to become known as the Royal Family of Hyrule. At the northern center of Hyrule is seated Hyrule Castle, where the family reside, and a bustling town surrounded by a stonewall, populated mostly by the Hylians and a variety of shops. To the west of the kingdom can often be seen a desert, forests to the south and south-east and a mountain range to the east and north-east.It has a vast array of climates and people in which Sheik's people, the Sheikah, lived.
>Would you want to settle down with her thereIf it was peaceful, it would definitely be more on the table. But even then, probably not. I would like to let Sheik see what her native people are like and let her experience what her life could have been without Ganon making things worse. However, they lack modern technology and I would also stick out like a sore thumb. So I really wouldn't mind visiting and letting her experience those things, but I wouldn't want to settle there.
>>3504921I don't know much of anything about Pokemon, but I will say that one I've unfortunately seen so much art of Sheik with Greninja that it is unavoidable for me to make the comparison. He is a ninja like pokemon with many techniques and things similar to what Sheik would do. There is even fucking lewd art with them too! Why? I hate it. And there is no other pokemon similar to Sheik in that way, so I wouldn't even be able to make a post like this anonymously without people being able to guess correctly.