>>3438014>best friendYes, she usually has lunch with Oka, a shortstacked classmate of hers. A bit touchy feely sometimes, but she's a good friend who gives Urabe advice on occasion and makes lunch for her too.
>bookmarks and browsing historyShe'd snoop a bit, since she cares about me. She's feel part concerned and part angry. After delivering me a good slap to the face, she'd hold me close and tell me how much she cares about me.
>carI'd rather she drive, if she learned how. She's good at staying focused and collected.
>bikeA two-seater would be cute.
>sleep on public transportationShe falls asleep quite often, that sounds like something she'd do.
Wish I could sit next to her on a train or something and let her take a nap on my shoulder. Once we reach our destination, I'd wake her up and get to see her groggily lift her head away from my drool-soaked shoulder.
>>3438137Somewhere out in nature, but not too distant from a town, with a beach nearby. The place would have a lovely, but humble house for just us and our kids. Paradise for her would be a comfy place where she can live a peaceful life with the ones she loves.
>>3438305Cuddle her even more tenderly. If that doesn't work, I could get her a glass of milk or water, or let her take a bath.
>>3438405A lewd, candid photo of her.