>>3532435>>3532488Thanks lads. Chalk it up to divine inspiration then as, typically, I have great difficultly with it all. I simply allowed the emotions I was feeling at the time to translate into succinct-yet-fanciful sentences. You have no idea how genuinely glad I am to hear that it wasn't below par; such praise makes me feel as if I created something that she would actually love and, for me, there is no greater feeling.
>>3532437They say that no individual has an implicit advantage over another insofar as the subjects in question are human and not shrouded in numinous light. A key tenant of a number of philosophers' maxims, including - surprisingly - Hobbes, is that there exists no living human that possesses so numerous an advantage so as to be superior to any of his brethren. Where one might be intellectually inclined, another might be physically; where one might possess quick wit and cunning, another might be naturally charismatic; where a poet can slot words into metering as effortlessly as a bricklayer lays bricks, another possesses a penchant for prose. Such a pattern is evident in all strata of human life, yet it is difficult, for us, to see how we fit within it all; this is simply a fundamental aspect of being human. I've observed that this lack of awareness as specifically evident within the waifu community as people often lament that they exhibit no outstanding talents yet, as you've so gracefully observed, by virtue of being human, everyone has something they can give that no others can: themself.
>>3532447In seclusion, most certainly. She lives a life of relative seclusion as it stands, but it is a seclusion that she revels in. She displays an aptitude for most things intellectual, and she is often shown reading and studying esoteric texts with enigmatic origins. I have no doubt that she would be excited to share her findings and talk about her readings within someone who comprehends then - and therefore comprehends her - though.