>>4224653Do you think your wife is happy with her looks?
Well if her titan form is anything to go by she would get upset if her chest was compared to a washboard or similar. And while she didn't comment a certain gold sheep said her markings were unattractive.
>If she isn't, how would you try to make her feel better about it?That is rather confidential. But I'll let her know she is perfect,beautiful, and cute the way she is obviously.
>>4224838>What kind of lover is your wife? Is she more the “physical” kind of lover, the kind that prefers to show her affection with things like hugs, kisses and gifts? Or more of an “abstract” kind, who’d rather show her affection through words in form of things like poems, text messages and the like?I guess she would be a little of both
What about you?
>Do you think your wife would enjoy if you’d write her a poem?I like to believe she would despite it probably being the worst written civilization to ever exist.
>Would she try to write you one?I'm sure she would give it a shot, and I'll read it and enjoy it in its entirety.
>>4235245>What sort of summer vacation does she prefer?I'm not sure but I think she'd want to try as many summer activities and outings to see if those and summer vacation itself is good or bad civilization.
>>4235247>Would waifu ever worry if she was good enough for you?It's more the other way around. She has her own insecurities about whether I'd hate her or due to her being an alien I wouldn't be her master.
>>4235248>Her favorite beach activity?I'm not sure so may as well try them all!
>>4235843>What is your waifu's favorite summer treat?I can tell you at least what one of hers not is, Ice cream.
>>4236263>How active is your waifu? Fairly active? She did ride horses/sheep, was a mounted archer, and an idol
>Would she be/is she a good dancer?She seems to be capable of dancing better than me at least
>What kind of dance would you like to do with her if any?Slow romantic ones.