>>3598236I wouldn't call this a personality trait, but a trait that, at times, I don't like seeing from Misaki is her over reliance on Mental Out. When I say "something something Mental Out" I'm not really being lazy, Mental Out is something Misaki defaults to in a lot of tricky situations. That habit to default to Mental Out has landed her in what became even trickier situations on more than a single occasion, due to her enemies exploiting the exceeding amount of faith Misaki has in her esper power. On the other hand, I can't really blame Misaki that much for having that reliance on Mental Out. Since not only does Mental Out make her the strongest mental esper in all of Academy City, but without it, she's a mostly very harmless school girl.
>>3598675Depends on what Misaki had planned for the day. If it was something really pressing, then she would find a way to get it done. If it's not that important, then she'll take the opportunity to do something else.
>>3598802>who is your waifuMisaki Shokuhou.
>what do you like of her? physically and from her personalityLooks wise? Well, she's a very beautiful girl, but for me, Misaki's beauty is more of the sum of it's parts. I don't have a preference for any of Misaki's individual physical traits, but when it's all put together, then it's something amazingly beautiful. Though, I will say that her eyes in particular are exceptionally gorgeous. Personality wise, there's a lot of things that I love. For an example, refer to the manga page in
>>3598237 of course, that's only one part of it.
>do your entourage understand your relation with her?That ship has sailed a while ago.
>is that relation impact your relation with other peopleNope.
>has she inspired you If you asked me this question a couple of months ago, I would be unsure of the answer. Now, I can confidently say a resounding yes to this.
>>3598870Unfortunately, I cannot. At least not in this one. Thinking about it, maybe not even if it had it's own post.