>>3554685Yes. She didn't ever do anything too crazy behind the wheel of a car or on a motorcycle.
>>3554689I don't know. It's hard to say. She'd have no problem staying home and being a housewife but that's not really what draws me into her. She was married to a woman before, had a penis for awhile, didn't identify strongly as a woman for awhile so... But most of that was done at the expense of things she may have wanted to do other than be a King. Was it her choice to be a King and thus not fill those gender roles? Not really, so I don't think she'd be opposed to being a traditional housewife. I think she finds a good challenge in being more feminine.
>>3554692I'd probably immediately crush on her and she'd be very kind to me. What a weird question.
>>3554697Staff Manager/Mascot.
>>3554781She doesn't have a reference for how much certain things cost in the modern era. I think she'd spend a lot on high class ingredients for food. Also, being the King of a country means that her money was the people's livelihood and thus wouldn't spend it unwisely. Probably buying ships for her armies was the most expensive thing she ever bought.