>>4224653She might worry about her chest, but I think she would be fine. I would make sure to remind her how much I love her as she is.
>>4224838>What kind of lover is your wife? Is she more the “physical” kind of lover, the kind that prefers to show her affection with things like hugs, kisses and gifts? Or more of an “abstract” kind, who’d rather show her affection through words in form of things like poems, text messages and the like? What about you?Abstract. I'm sure she would enjoy physical intimacy when we are alone, but she'd primarily show her love symbolically.
>Do you think your wife would enjoy if you’d write her a poem? Would she try to write you one?Yeah, I'm sure she'd love that. She might write some for me too, but I think writing a song would fit her better.
>Is your wife the kind of person that drinks? What’d be her beverage of choice?No, she is underage.
>>4225381Congrats anon!