>>3334020>Ok lets start.>What fruit would you compare your waifu with?A coconut , hard as fuck outside but sweet inside.
>What dish?A good dumpling , the real deal is inside
>Is she popular or as her fanbase mellowed out?Her manga/anime wasnt that popular but there are still some followers around there
>What is the weirdest thing about her?She has drool telepathy
>What is the definite thing about her that always cheers you up?Her happy and smiling face , specially when she clears her eyes
>And the one that makes you sad/sorrowful?How i cannot embrace her
>>3334027>What is the creepiest part about her?Her FUCK YOU eyes , but it isnt intentional.
>Is there something you dont approve of her , but that you still enjoy? Her showing her lewd body
>Is there something that you dont approve of her and dont enjoy?Raw bacon , shit isnt healthy
>You hold a feast for her, what is the main dish?Loads of meat
>Does she like to ask for help or is she the kind to solo it all?She is the kind of girl to keep trying alone until she makes it
>Is there something about her that offputs normalfags but you like or at least endure?The drool , personally i love that part
>>3334073>What is THE most important value to her?Being Honest
>Do you have a nickname for her?Mikotito
>Is she clumsy in some aspect of her life?She is clumsy with lewdness
>What film would she love?The thing or Alien
>Do you have any personal story you would love to tell her?Not really
>>3334131Only with her permission , but she also likes secret hugs