>>3093886Gretel: しばらくは樣子を見るのが望ましいと医者は言っているのだが, 正直, 貴様を寝かしておく余裕は今の我々にない...
The medic says you should probably take it easy, but honestly, we can’t afford to have you out of commission…
Theo: 退院出来るなら願ったりだ. それから... リィズはどうなる?
“I would very much like to be able to go. Then… what about Lise?”
Gretel: 革命のゴタゴタが落ち着いた後, 裁判という形になる予定だ.
“After the revolution, there would be a trial.
I can’t say whether or not it will end with an innocent release.
It seems she has become somewhat infamous to the cause.”
Theo: ….そうか. 俺達前線の衛土の耳にまでは届かないからな....
“… I see. Then they probably won’t listen to us…”
Gretel: なんとか死刑は回避出来るように働きかけてみる. 彼女は有能な衛土だ.
死刑さえ回避出来れば, 前線送りと引き換えに仮釈放という道も出てくる.
“I’ll do what I can to avoid the death penalty. She’s a talented young woman. If we succeed theres a way to for her to be released on parole in exchange for more combat service.
Theo: …すまない. 手間を掛ける
“… sorry. For making you go to all this trouble”
That night…
Lise: …..誰? こんな時間に何の用事?
“…..hm? Whose there at a time like this?”
Gretel: 入れ.... エーベルバッハ
“In here… Eberbach”
Theo: …….
Lise: お兄ちゃん!? どうしてお兄ちゃんまでこんな所に !?
“Onii-chan!? What are you doing here !?”
Gretel: …三時間後, また鍵を開けに来る ....
“….In three hours, I will return to unlock the door…”