I really wish Keijo finished. Nozomi deserves an ending to her story.
>>3589022Probably playing with a pencil. She'd be pretty bored.
>>3589026Sports. Particularly gymnastics. If she didn't get into Keijo, she'd be in gymnastics. I could see her in the track or swim team too.
>>3589028She's never with any animals in the manga, so I cant quite tell. I think she'd try to encourage the pet to keep going.
>>3589030She's fine. She's never particularly gotten lost as far as location goes. She more so has issues navigating through life in general.
>>3589033She cover fires and picks the comrade up. She leaves no soldier behind.
>>3589048I think she'd like the citrusy type of flavors. Lemon, lime, orange, and grapefruit come to mind.
>>3589092Your king looks adorable with the corgi!
Maybe personal memories. Photos, mementos, and other things she's collected over the years.
>>3589184She hasn't shown to have any phobias. Though she doesn't like losing very much and takes each loss to heart.
>>3589242As a child, her father wanted to be a magician. Nozomi was his assistant, and during the sword box trick, a sword poked Nozomi's butt pretty bad. She still has the scar/dent.
>>3589254Not too much. We laugh at our own mistakes and we laugh at just about any joke regardless of how bad. I'd probably use puns and really corny jokes.
Can't recall if I asked this already. You catch your waifu triying on a competitive swimsuit. How do you both react?