>>3760350Thanks, I appreciate your concern. Yeah, it's nice to post again for once, at least for a little while.
>>3762316A few poems when prompted here, but otherwise not really, sadly. Sounds like a fun creative exercise though.
>>3762321Kirumi is definitely much more of a tea person.
>>3762350Given her personality, probably back-up bass if it was a more modern band, though she might like to be a lead singer as well, come to think of it. If it was a traditional band, I'd probably say a wind instrument like a flute, recorder or clarinet.
>>3762353The main thing that comes to mind here would be her Love Hotel Dream event. If looked at on the surface, it seems to just be a "forbidden maid/master relationship" cliche, but if one considers that these events are meant to be a representation of the characters innermost feelings and desires, coupling with how it plays out provides significant insight to her character outside of her desire to serve others.
Specifically, Kirumi wishes for someone to accept and love her as an equal, and treats her as an actual person with thoughts and feelings rather than just a mere maid to have do the chores you don't wish to do, even if she claims that she doesn't mind. She even begins to cry once the protagonist says that he's perfectly fine with her loving him despite her thoughts that her love would be a nuisance, which if I'm not mistaken is the only time she does so in the entire game. It's incredibly heart-wrenching and sad to me, especially considering it's one of the few times she drops her mask of servitude even if it's in a dream.