>>3497117So they used the triforce of wisdom to create this Sheikah girl. They named her Sheik. A real creative name huh? It's like naming a Russian, Russia. Regardless, I love her name. It's cute. It's a name I adore. Plus it makes it painfully obvious what race of people she falls into, if her looks didn't make it obvious. This helps hide the identity of the sealed soul inside her.
I have actually made two pretty detailed posts about her looks here:
>>3489801 and
>>3489802Needless to say, I think she is gorgeous. While they didn't need to make her look so attractive, I'm glad they did.
To describe her personality a bit, she is a solitary/lonely girl. She was created, given her task from Impa and Zelda's memories, and other than saving Ruto and eventually helping Link, she has no interactions with anyone. She lived for seven whole years alone and on the run. Can you imagine being created and not a second later you are tasked to do someone else's will and bidding with no say in the matter? And then on top of it, you are expected to do this for seven years and never allowed to see/talk to anybody? You also witness death and destruction wherever you go since Ganondorf's henchmen were killing everyone and laying waste to Hyrule. It would crush most of our wills pretty quickly. However, she was able to persevere for so long without losing hope. Even with this amazing perseverance, she eventually started to lose hope. Not fully, but by the time Link came around, you can tell she didn't have confidence in his abilities and the future of Hyrule. However, as Link kept defeating dungeon after dungeon and came closer and closer to taking on Ganondorf, she started to gain her lost hope and confidence.
Now just for a moment that you started getting good news, amazing news, news that would turn your whole life around after an entire life of misery. Wouldn't you act a bit differently? Wouldn't you start to act irrationally? This is what happened to Sheik.