>>3569712>If she wouldn't, why not?She's teally cautious and I'm really bad at most of sports and she would like me to get hurt
>>3569712Nothing, yet I'm a bit lazy I would try everything to make a clean and pretty house for her.
>>3569716She would mostlikely do it. But if she did then she would be sad and when shes sad im sad too.
>>3569717To be said mostlikely would be a a waitress. I know it soud generic but I could see my lovely birb anywhere else.
>>3569744I would mostlikely lose because of my poor balance and shit.
>>3569804Her in a bush.
>>3569856>What other things about your waifu would you assert to people you don't think fully get her?That she'
>>3569868s not scary. Common shes not that scary she's cute!
>>3569868I dunno, I would allow her anything but most likely she wouldnt share things online.
>>3570253No but I maybe will try to listen to some of her lines from the game.
>>3570385>>3570412>Do you have any plans on what you’re going to get her for christmas, or will you just skip out on christmas this year?Skipping chistmas is a deffinitly a nono.
>And do you practice any art for her? No but I sometines think of her and nake stories with her.
And now I have question fir you and your wifes if you had a timemachine where and when would you go?
For me deffinitly 1991 in Czechoslovakia, so we could see the birthing of a new nation.