>>3572132Well, I still haven't shot mine yet, but based on what a lot of people have told me it is a very good rifle.
I like how the ones I've gotten feel in the hand and they are very pretty rifles too.
The only thing is that the ammo is uncommon, so shooting will be hard, unless you reload which will offset the costs a bit, but based on the reloading components that I got, to make 200 rounds of 6.5 jap ammo, I have to spend about 250.
That's initial cost though, brass casings can be reloaded many times.
Reloading is not so hard and it's actually pretty fun.
Anyways, your other questions.
Well there's a lot of reading to be done on this site and Yuuri can't read so much, but I think she may like some parts of this website, I think she would frequent /ck/, /k/, /out/, maybe /an/.
I would give her something warm to eat, she likes that.
Stay indoors and listen to music maybe or watch TV.
Yuuri really liked a picture book she saw once on fishes, she couldn't read it, but she knew what it was about.
>>3572360Happy birthday to your wife Cecilyfriend.
>>3572487I was just thinking about seeing Yuuri naked and being embarrassed by it, me that is, she wouldn't really know why.
>>3572785That's the first reason in my list, She probably smells good.
I don't have any questions for you right now, we are at the end of image posting anyways.
We are about 40 posts away from bump limit, just something to bear in mind.