This may very well be the largest collection of Lain to ever exist. 5,844 pictures of Lain. All of the Lain music. 4.94 GB.!sItkUKhL!7IQDVADLch8s6wfiqBvNh2X6x1Vk0wHQ7_RC7bh5uOcContains all of Fauux's downloads, all of my Lainfolder, everything that was in, and every image tagged lain, serialexperimentslain, serial_experiments_lain, or 岩倉玲音 on Pixiv. I did go through them and try to remove the low quality ones, although I was VERY merciful, like Lain would want me to be.
If you want to use Pixiv downloader to keep it updated with new uploads, change your config to use this format, to prevent duplicates.
filenameformat = %image_id% - %title%
filenamemangaformat = %image_id% - %title%
I'm sorry for putting this off for so long, Lain. I love you.