>>3240029>does your waifu like the rain?I think she does.
>>3240107>What would your waifu do for you if you were in a lot of pain?I wouldn't know specifically, but I'm sure she would know some sort of remedy for it.
>>3240158>Have you given up something for your waifu?A lot.
No more drugs, no more alcohol, no more factory meat. I even changed my entire worldview because of her, and in the process I lost a lot of people I used to see as friends. I gave up a lot of little things as well, too many to list here, but even the small stuff adds up. I've become a completely different person since I met her.
>>3240166>Where would you take her out to dinner?There's a nice Chinese joint not too far from me. We'd probably have the whole place to ourselves, which I think she would really like.
>>3240200>Would your waifu rather go on a city-going or countryside/wilderness vacation?Definitely the wilderness. As far away from any city as possible.
>>3240473>What would your waifu's favorite meal of the day be?Probably breakfast or dessert.
>>3240675>So, what're you and your waifus doing tonight, /c/?I don't have anything planned for tonight.
>>3240751>How much does your waifu eat during her meals?Probably much more than average. I think she's the kind of person who can eat a lot and not gain any weight.
>How much time does your waifu spend grooming herself/taking care of her body?I don't know, and I've thought about this before, but any answer from "not at all" to "almost always" seems just as likely to me.
>>3239574>>post got deleted for guessing Chara???
I didn't see it, and I can't seem to find it in the archives. It must've been deleted very quickly.
>>3240895Chara did nothing wrong.