>>3306759>How much suffering does your wife go through anons?NOTHING compared to some anon's waifus itt.
>>3306790>How would she react upon being told "I love you"?Being like a deer in headlights and blushing like hell.
>>3306818>How dead is your wife's franchise? How often does she receive new (canon) appearances?The manga ended sourly years ago, and the anime was a fucking masterpiece.
She gets some cameo appearances here and there in the author's newest incest work
>>3306827>Weird question, but do you read other anons' responses to questions?All of them, but i always look for the yuurifag, Urabefag , Tomokofag , Phosfag , Angelfag and Kirumifag answers.
>>3306868>What kind of music do you want to introduce her to?Heavy Fucking Metal.
>>3307014>What do you think would be your wife's fast food of choice, if she was so inclined?Pizza
>>3307014The ultimate maid being clumsy with homechores is really moe, for some odd reason.
>>3307053Hello there my Fellow Urabefag.
>>3307160>Would she like a nice spa day or rather spend time doing outdoor activity?She likes to be pampered but she also loves going to the sea.
I personally hate the fucking deep sea and being touched.
Mostly because it reminds me of how fucking lonely i am.
Like a stray abused dog not trusting any stranger to pet him.
Hopefully someone will break my hard shell someday.
>>3307236>What kind of cute arguments would you have with your waifu?Asking each other to measure our love in phyisical landmarks
>>3307467>Would you want to start a family with your waifu right away, or enjoy more time together with just the two of you before settling down and having kids?Spend some time as a married childless couple setting down before getting a litter for ourselves.