Does anybody else ever get the feeling that it would be better to just stop posting and even lurking in witch threads and helma all together?
I can't remember a time where it felt this slow and dragged out.
/a/ is basically lost for the witches, I honestly don't expect it to go up again once S3 gets released.
As for /c/ and /u/, these threads seem to attract only a small margin of fans which in the end results in very slow threads with infrequent posting.
As sad as it may be, that is as well true for helma.
Honestly, how much traffic does it get?
And how many posts are made there every day? 2? 5?
Sorry for all this depressed talk.
I just felt the need to tell it to people who I think will understand this sentiment the most.
It might even just be me feeling like this, it might all be fine and well to you.
>>2745355I'll raise one for you here.