>>3322299She has a lot of anger and betrayal and anger issues. I wouldn't mind burning the world with her. I feel similar. Boy I can't wait to get to hell! Just a few more years I bet! Oh wait I'm already there.
>>3322423I suppose, but nothing in particular comes to mind at the moment.
>>3322665She would be great. It'd be fun. I really feel like this series of images captures it pretty well. Too bad I feel like realistically anything I made would be a mess. I'd hate to drag her down.
>>3322924Oh man. Fate's got some weird fucked up limit to world bubbles or some shit. If our world really has infinite worlds and possible timelines stuff I'd rather just stay in this shithole a bunch of times over and over etc with her and stuff. Unless we could just chill out in limbo or hell or something together by ourselves, unless she doesn't want that. I don't know. Whatever she wants I guess. I got nothing really.
>>3322967Manticore? Cheshire cat? Dragon maybe?
>>3322980Video games, music stuff. I love discussing my musical tastes and stuff, but its hard because most people are so stupid and closed minded about the littlest things. Even if we agree on somethings usually they can't get past how varied my taste is. The stuff they don't like is what they'll focus on about me. Video games have been really important to me, but carpal tunnel is robbing me of that one. Uh, I guess one other, but it's not for everyone and I don't think it'd really be for her. I'll probably trigger someone if I bring it up so yeah, not much.
I'd try to sleep as close as possible. Mostly out of loneliness. Just wrap myself around her every night like a sick kid with a teddy bear. Except she'd have a heartbeat. And warmth.
>>3323081Goddammit I need to do this when my hands aren't too sore. I feel like such a cunt with her images just all over.
>>3323092I don't know. I'd like it to just happen, or not happen. I'm pretty abrasive and outspoken though. I have many sides.