>>4384961>when confronted about him "forgetting about Rei". He went into his shell and made up a false reason.I like this explanation.
>>4384996I have since adapted a similar view of extra-canonical depictions of Rei, of all the persons in the series, but especially for Rei. I think your view on Anno is mature, and I feel the same. It is just difficult given we know what he did after 1997, in the new millennium. Still, he cannot undo the past either, so what is great will be great, no matter how many nonsensical collaborations are made in Eva's name.
>>4385033About animals, an interesting observation. I'm liable to agree, though how hubristic to be about human souls in comparison to other animals is difficult. Fish, for example, clearly are little more sentient than house flies. Yet the great apes, the elephants, the killer whales exhibit some facets of what we would call higher thought. Language? No. That is folly, and unique to man. I admit I am a little biased here by my love for my dog, and for animals in general; their place in the spiritual order I have not fully reconciled yet. But you are right that Instrumentality seems to be only for humans. One question I've had about it is whether Instrumentality's event brought about the death/end of all life on Earth, or simply that of humans. Of course the Earth is forever changed physically, and we see no life after, but is that the same as it ending all life?