>>3352520>the manga could have been much betterCorrect. Meanwhile, however, there is only a limited number of changes that could be made to have improved 2.0.
Asuka should not have been whitewashed into new Diet Asuka with no mental problems. However, this is also present in the manga, because manga asuka isn't as bad as NGE asuka is, either. Both versions were whitewashed, and perhaps ironically, the whitewashed asuka is the asuka that her fans support, not her true version.
Mari should have been removed, but 2.0 is not the first time Eva introduced a new perky female character that's not asuka. Pic related is the first time a new female was inserted in the series.
A multitude of other complaints that people have made about 2.0 are instead retroactive complaints about 3.0 that are incorrectly applied to 2.0
Shinji and Rei are similar in 2.0 to their counterparts from episodes 8 to 22. The fact that Rei is overall nicer in 2.0 does not change the fact that she is indeed also a nicer person from the action arc.
And yes, the manga had far too much Kaworu.