>What's your favorite aspects of them as a character?Nurturing attitude. Kind and good at teaching people who are in need.
>How would you describe them to someone who hasn't seen them before?Talented and creative, but reserved and terrified of failure.
>Whats your favorite outfit of theirs?Pic related.
>>3114385>What does your beloved like to do in their free time!Would say drawing, but as that's her job, she'd probably get sick of it. Spending time with her friends. Just having a chat.
>Would they be responsible enough to own a pet?Definitely responsible enough, but I'm not sure she'd be able to find the time in their schedule.
>Whats the most notable thing about your beloved? Works in a top animation studio.
>Have they ever travelled somewhere unique or out of the way? If not where do you think they would like to go?Not to my knowledge, but I'd think she'd like to visit the countryside, although she's are more a city person.
>What's the weirdest thing about your beloved?Has a dream about officially releasing an anime she made in high school with her friends.
>Tell us a random fact about them!Works directly beside an old animation giant.
>>3114387>Would you a sex doll if they made them in you're waifu's shape & size?This one gave me a run for my money, but I'd have to say no. As another anon said, it's just not her. If anything's humanoid in any way, it still feels like cheating to me.
>>3114398>Is there a song that you would like to listen to with your waifu?Nothing particular. I think we'd share a lot of music tastes, so I'd just be listening to the same old stuff.