>>3353813At least as far as the Army, and RAF -Basic- Training(Not Flight), she could join at 16, and try out for the SAS at 18. The issue is that currently, based on 'intensive research'(I looked it up right now to double check), she wouldn't be old enough to be a Fighter Pilot by current standards, which takes 4 years and 300 flying hours(You also need to be 17.5 or older to apply I think).
BUT, the UK has been at peace for half a decade when the Crisis hit, so it's possible she pulled a WW2 and lied about her age, or just having come out of the Omnic Crisis not too long ago, and with how damaging it was(Only Germany and Russia being able to fight them off), and the general unrest, the RAF lowered it's flight experience requirements. Or probably both, she doesn't exactly follow the rules that closely sometimes.
The Brits didn't exactly have upwards of 16 nations sending Pilots to fight off the Omnics in the Crisis, so it could make sense. More sense than Overwatch plucking a random civvie off the street for the test.
But with that said, I agree that some character development would be nice, albeit I’m cautious, given Blizzard’s apparently inability to do small steps, it’s either no change, or we get Jaina going full murder(Justified as it was) or Thrall suddenly ignoring everyone because Aggra bitched about the Cataclysm(There are OTHER Shamans/Druids too Thrall). It might be better if she keeps her unwillingness to use the big guns, just being...smarter about it.
And I’d kill(Blizzard’s stock) for that myself. As long as there’s no -her-. Because then things might happen between two partners and it’ll be all good.
And yeah, Red Alert is pretty comfy, although I will say that 3 is….not as good as 2, or Tiberium 3. They sort of...threw out the ‘comfiness’ of the less well known actors for HOLLYWOOD BABY.
And they somehow go for the waifu factor harder than Waifuwatch or League of Waifus of the Storm.
Also the art style. It’s very cartoony.