>>3534873Nothing, she wouldn't forgive me if I did anything.
>>3534886>Picks her up firstYou should have just left her where she was lying anon. Now instead of a hopeless romantic in love with an unattainable dream, you're just an asshole.
>>3534988We'll just let nature and a lack of birth control decide
>>3535000Hey, Matter by Iain M. Banks is a masterpiece. I think Rena would enjoy it if she was reading through it with me.
>>3535050I have a soft spot for Sakura. She reminds me a lot of Rena, from the quiet demure gentleness, to the amazing cooking skills, to the worms ...
I really should get around to playing HF.
>>3535235Thank you
>>3535277>Something something Evangelion something something the image of the person in your head is just as much that person as that person in the real world.>>3535295Sheikfriend, I'm sorry, but I declare you guilty of causing thread drama by indirect presence. You must pay a fine of ten cuteposts, present them to the thread before image limit.
>>3535306Yes, me
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fDzd9ydZ24With another waifu posting in this thread. I prefer this timeline.
Her occasional bouts of psychosis. Duels to the death on school building roofs.
She runs away with the Bear above her head, taking it home. I'll have to convince her to release it.
Pretty good, nothing special here.
17 years old. She'd by a very cute highschool girl.
>>3535341Forgive me Sheikfriend, but to this day I don't understand why the Zelda dilemma is a dilemma. Why not get a new body as a container for Sheik's soul and replicate the Triforce of Wisdom?
>>3535425>Yuurifriend's warmongering doesn't make it in.Shit, it's like trying to summarize current world affairs without mentioning terrorism. Otherwise, pretty accurate.
>>3535497Indeed we are fighting a vicious and long war. In the end, it will be Rena's kingdom that prevails!
Yuuri's teeth are probably fine due to her young age and low-sugar diet.