>>3497117Sheik comes from a separate world from us and is from the Kingdom of Hyrule. She has no canon birthdate, so I use "Sheik Day" as her unofficial birthday. Sheik day is April 9th or April 19th depending on who you ask. I tend to think of both of them as her birthday. I keep saying "birthday," but Sheik was not actually born of a mother and father. Sheik was actually created from an artifact called the Triforce of wisdom. To understand what a triforce is, is to understand how their world was created. It was created by The Golden Goddesses. The Golden Goddesses are recurring deities in The Legend of Zelda (TLoZ) series. They are Din, the Goddess of Power, Nayru, the Goddess of Wisdom, and Farore, the Goddess of Courage, the chief gods and creators of the land that becomes the Kingdom of Hyrule and the extended world that it resides in. So as proof of this power, they ended up creating three magical artifacts, the three triforces: the triforce of power, the triforce of courage, and the triforce of wisdom. The Royal Family, the ruling family of Hyrule, has passed the triforce of wisdom down for generations and Zelda, the Hylian king's daughter, was the next one to have it.
There is still more to explain why and how Sheik was created, but to understand it, you need to understand TLoZ: Ocarina of Time's (OoT) story. Essentially, a Gerudo man named Ganondorf is completely evil at heart. He wants to obtain all three triforces and use them to become an all powerful tyrant. Part of his plan was to lure a young Hylian boy, Link, into opening the Temple of Time. Link does so to obtain the mythical Master Sword, a sword capable of defeating such an evil force. Ganondorf wants Link to open the Temple of Time because opening it allows him to obtain triforce of power. On top of this, Link is so young when he obtains the Master Sword, that he is actually sealed away so he can age enough to wield it.