I love my waifu
>>3184757>If you're waifu could play any instrument, what would it beDouble bass, because he's a tallboi
>>3184974>What is something you may disagree with your waifuShe may not agree with my devotion to the dual flush toilet, but I could convert her, I'm sure. All will come to know its virtue in time.
>>3185159>What's the part of her body that she looks after the mostFeets, and hair.
>>3185363>this said, but I always click for full resolution, and still get the masterI guess Caster, since video games are like casting. She'd have max luck.
I don't know what a Noble Phantom really entails, but her signature weapon would be her heels.
>>3185526>Another question, what would you give up for you're waifuI'd give up lewds of my waifu for her.
>>3185919>If your waifu could change one thing about the world, what would it beShe'd end GotY editions, I'd reckon.