>>3457833So you think people shpuld refrain from any kind of lewd just because you don't like that? That's pretty selfish. There is literally, nothing wrong about expressing your love physically. It's my primary way. I'm not particularly good with words and such. I know all I would do to her body though. Various tasks I'd help with. Problems I would lisyen to. I'm not very imaginative about dates and things like that though. Just not how I'm geared. Seems like you only want people who follow your way to post in these. That's just not right.
>>3457834She goes back to her villian ways in Extella, but ever since CCC she's mellowed out I think. In Link she's pretty much the same as in FGO. Only time she gets murderous in Link is when Rex Magnus is being a faggot trying to brainwash everyone ends up trying it on her, not knowing its basically a terible and kind of impossible idea to apply to her. Then she starts having a sort of other Elizabeth in her head moment. The one starts goingnon about her head hurting and her violence and blood fetishes, and the other starts crying out to be saved from it all.
>How long has your wife been who she is?Uh. Well she was a little girl raised in a family of ye old fuck the poor kind of nobles. So she was around torture and stuff at a young age. I don't know when she grew up into Carmilla. She gets summoned kind of before she did all that, but she still goes collecting girls blood to bathe in in CCC.