How do you feel about characters that are archetypically similar to your waifu? Homura has three "faces", each with their own associations to media (with Moemura, this is expressly intentional). Nagato Yuki is similar with the whole time travel and stoic pain things, and she moved me when I watched the Disappearance, but the plot resolution left it on too bittersweet a note for me to really become attached. Of course, I watched Rebellion way after the Disappearance too.
>>3909166>Remember, while you and you're waifu should help each other improve, you shouldn't be each other's therapists!Why not? A therapist is basically just someone overjustifying their psych degree by applying common sense strategies like unconditional positive regard or rational emotive behaviour therapy.
Hell, you don't even need a degree for these because Rogers and Ellis pulled a Joseph Campbell and started touring around to write books for non-academics. The only benefit a therapist offers is that another human being can analyze your actions, and psychological research seems to support the idea that we can effectively create an alter ego to play out our waifus.
Therefore, deindividuate and have a dialogue with yourself if you have that sort of relationship with your waifu. Maybe everything I just said is completely autistic. I have no clue.
>>3909134she would let my arms snap
>>3909212>an OC of an artist on twitter/pixivDo you reckon the artist will go anywhere with it? You've probably answered this before.
>>3908126the other homurafriend already responded with this joke but i'm obligated nonetheless
>>3909379>She does not tolerate any sloppinessIs she an intrinsic motivator for you? Like when you're running and get tired, do you weigh the benefits against her disappointment before thinking of things like personal achievement?