>>3546865Thank you, I'm sure she would appreciate it.
I've never read the Elfen Lied manga, but Nozomi is certainly very cute and beautiful. I find her shyness to be quite endearing.
>>3546914Probably not that great. I would try to get something red for the hair, maybe cloth and give it a huge smile.
>>3546918Very much on the casual side of things.
>>3547003To some extent. Not what she experiences, as in events that happen to her, but the way she feels about the world and herself in it. It seems necessary to me to be able to empathize with one's waifu, otherwise there is no emotional connection.
>>3547383A bit of a difficult question. Obviously outwardly she seems to be very extroverted since she is very outgoing and sociable. She also has a more subdued side though and doesn't socialize that much out of her obligations. Obviously this may be because she is almost always busy, but I wonder sometimes if she's actually more comfortable alone or at least needs that distance from time to time.
Overall I assume she is on the extroverted side of things though.
>>3547399I think we may go a few weeks without a kiss, it would happen as the situation arises. I would give it about a month maximum for it to happen. I don't know how comfortable she is with relationship stuff since there is no reason to believe she's been in one before, but I think she would get the hang of it quickly once she gets over the intial uncomfortableness.
>>3547432Normal I guess. Maybe I'd leave more of an impression due to being a foreigner. She isn't one to assume too much from a first impression or appearance, but is rather able to see beyond that for what someone is really like below the surface.
>>3547638I'd say she is. She's never shown to be bad at it anyways.
>>3547648No. She doesn't actively look for a relationship in the first place.