I truly love Tharja with all of my heart!!! I want to marry her and life the rest of my life with her forever!!!!
>>35663211. 6 for Valentines and 4 for Christmas
2. After I S rank her in Awakening
>>35653081. I want Tharja to be in the roster of Samsh Bros in someway either as a fighter or part of Robin's moveset but since the series is rated E10+, that's a pipe dream unless the next Smash Bros game after Ultimate is rated T again.
2. Tharja appears earlier in her game and she can also be recruited by Robin as well when she appears. She stays the same but Robin recruiting Tharja would be a better segue to the Tharja X Robin supports.
3. Tharja would just use a hex to make herself young forever.
>>3564470She isn't really into Pixar movies that much.
>>3563773C if I'm going by her Awakening artwork.
>>3562919She wouldn't since I'm better at vidya than her and the only game that she's good at is a few causal games like Bejeweled
>>3562776Whenever Tharja pic is posted in the OP in any thread on /v/, I seriously hope the thread turns out alright or at least the tripfag doesn't come in and ruins that thread.
>>3563050>/v/ Disgaea threads can be pretty cancerousMore like any thread on /v/ can be pretty cancerous since /v/ is one of the worst boards on the site.
>>3566913I miss PalutenaAnon.