>>3424017She fights sometimes but action scenes aren't common in her comic and her immortality/regeneration and the fact that she doesn't fight to kill anymore usually makes her the designated "jobber" or meatshield, sadly. She uses her sword, obviously enough, though she keeps the sheath on it most of the time.
>>3424058She's never shown a strong fear for anything specific. Fear in general isn't something she expresses much at all. My only real phobias are being in the open ocean or high up, and those are both pretty common I think.
Her info says she's 5' 3" (160cm), so there's about half a foot between us with me being the taller one. I wouldn't tease her about it or anything, probably.
I doubt she would keep a diary, she is definitely more the type to live in the present than ruminate over the past. She does like pictures, though.
>>3424089She already sort of lacks in ambitions and wears the same stuff all the time, so she'd probably be happy to have found some sort of happiness, and also not eat as much.
>>3424119I don't have one of her actually waking up but I have one of her sleeping right before waking up. I want her to hold onto me like she does with Yeoju here.
>>3424185She can sleep just about anywhere but I imagine she'd have a handful of pillows to be more comfy if she was by herself.
>>3424366I got into her comic after digging up all the info I could on her. It had been running for a year or so when I found it, I think. Then I waited way too long to actually start learning Korean to understand it beyond google poorly translating snippits.
>>3424478I don't know if a tattoo would even work on her. If it did it would probably be of a skull or something, and she'd probably only care enough to get it removed if someone else hated it. She could always remove it herself, too, though that'd be really painful.