For games, they are always a scam, but I have a feeling she would want to try them. It would be pretty cute to see her trying hard at a game and taking it seriously, when it meant mostly for kids and fun.
The food would mostly be new for her. So many foods you can get at a festival are unique, so she would probably want to try some. I would gladly, even if they are overpriced.
One other aspect that she might not expect is how long the lines can be. She has a lot of patience, so she could tolerate it, but she wouldn't expect it to take so long for such a short ride.
>>3471559>wear for youDo you mean like something she would wear to get me in the mood, or just something nice that she would like to wear for me? If it is something to get me in the mood, it wouldn't be too hard. I've said this before, but I have fantasized about her wearing nothing but the white bandages she has all around her body. I can imagine plenty of good times with that kind of outfit.
If you mean just something that would look nice on her, I think she would take everything I like about the many outfits she already has, and get a new one tailor made that includes the best parts of each. This would be the ultimate Sheik outfit!
>foodSheik would be the one to cook for us and our future children. But I suppose I make something she wants every so often. I won't be cooking every day though, unless Sheik needed a break.
>drinking too muchI am staunchly anti-alcohol and will never touch that crap in my life. I would hope Sheik could be the same. It does nothing but harm to your body and I don't want my Sheik to harm herself. It kills braincells, it hinders judgement, you feel like crap the next day, and she could get addicted. I don't think she would object much if I told her this and I doubt she drank in her world. So she would never get tipsy. Luckily, I also know plenty of people who would agree with this, so they could help me convince her.