>>3334020>What fruit would you compare your waifu with?Something unique and full of flavor, like a star fruit
>what dish? A steam bun, cute as a button and full of delicious goodness
>is she popular or has her fanbase mellowed out? She's fairly popular with an admittedly annoying fanbase, but has an equally vocal and annoying hatebase
>what's the weirdest thing about her? She's a goddess
>what about her always cheers you up? Her adorable happy-go-lucky attitude
>one thing that makes you sad? How easily she cries. But af least when she cries she doesn't hold a grudge, and she's very cute even when she cries.
>creepiest part about her?She really doesn't have one, she's always pretty straightforward and honest about things
>something you don't approve of but find endearing?Maybe her irresponsible spending, but then again, if I had the money I'd spoil her rotten
>something you don't approve of and don't like? Nothing really
>feast main dish? She's like me, she likes just about any good food. Maybe I'd go with river crab, we both enjoy shellfish and I already know she likes sea crab
>does she ask for help or is she independent? Both, she likes doing something herself and acting smug about it, but isn't afraid to ask for help the moment she needs it
>what do people find off-putting but you like? She's bratty and cries/acts smug a lot. Most people don't like it, but I find it adorable.
>>3334073>most important thing in her life? Her friends. She even forgets she's a goddess sometimes, but she never forgets about her friends
>is she clumsy? All the time, but I think it just makes her cuter
>what film would she love? Probably some lighthearted comedy. I don't know very many films so I probably couldn't say.
>do you have any personal story you would love to tell her?Not that I can think of, maybe just things about my travels or good food/drinks I've had.
Would your waifu like to travel, and if so, where would be the first place you took her?