>>3390822I can't even think of an extreme sport that wouldn't suit her the least. None of them
We are both very introverted, we both like to learn creative skills, we are both the eldest of 3 sibling
>>3390823No indication about parents, but she's more similar to Tamaki than Hinata
>>3390826Manga or fantasy light novels
>>3390842She's aloof and often rude on the surface, but caring and selfless when it really matters. I'm actually gonna say Saori, her relationship with Kirino is more like a rivalry
>>3390873We see her eating at "McDonelb's" but nothing like the other, so I'll assume the former
>>3390931A bit homey from domestic work in her tracksuit, faintly roses and lavender. She doesn't sweat easily but I bet it smells heavenly
>>3390950She would just try to mock Kirino as hard as she can, could be brutal
>>3391073Some media in the franchise might emphasise different aspects of her character slightly but it's all still her, except maybe the ps3 game. The novel is the most consistent and canon of course
>>3391213I can't really think of anything relevant unfortunately
>>3391252I'm not really bothered and I doubt she would be
>>3391505If it's a girl maybe she'd teach her to sew
>>3391604Stuff about her hobbies, drawing and writing tips