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Rewatching OG EVA and End of Eva (never will surpass the first watch) every scene of Rei gives off the ultimate feel as if physical yet not real. Real in your heart. The purest form of feel one can achive with another real person. But here is symbolizes the importance of Rei. As if she's real.
A real person sins or smells bad or any other bad thing you find in a person that will make you repulsed by them in the same manner (I would assume) one would recoil from a woman after intercourse while having post-nut clarity (from what I have read). Seemingly ruining the pure feel you had of said person.
With Rei even in the Anime format she was presented before us, she alway's had this motherly aura that we feel when we are first introduced to our procreators also known as "Mother". To see her as the pinnacle of purity and love. But even a mother has her flaws. We grow up and we see it first hand. I speak for myself, but I'm sure I'm not alone in this world of many humans.
(I will continue in the next post that I post)