We have a packed K-On! Tuesday today over here at Nyaa-Streams today!
For starters we have the normal pre-show music shuffle and request session until 8:00 PM Eastern Time (0:00 GMT!!!)
http://nyaa-nyaa.comThen the main stream of episodes:
8:00 PM EST - "New Club Member!"||"Shinnyū Buin!" (新入部員!)
8:25 PM EST - "Another Training Camp!"|| "Mata Gasshuku!" (また合宿!)
8:50 PM EST - "Crisis!"|| "Pinchi!" (ピンチ!)
9:15 PM EST - "Light Music!"| "Keion!" (軽音!)
(Two more episodes to season 1, but not today because...)
After these 4 episodes play through, I will then play the Let's Go! Concert as requested:
9:40 PM EST - K-ON! Live Event ~Let's Go!~
The concert will end at midnight EST and then if I still have energy, a music shuffle and request will be put in place to finish off the day. This is the initial thread, if I need to remake it closer to stream time, I will.