>>3477252>What are your waifu's worst moments? Do you think they define her?Probably when she gets angry with Ami during the ski trip. It's not really unjustified, but it gets a bit too heated. It shows that she is not perfect and emotions can get the better of her at times as well.
>What are her best moments?When she gives up on Ryuuji for the sake of Taiga. She values the well being of her best friend over her own happiness.
>>3477291>Does your waifu eat her fruit and veggies? Or just meat? She does diet and she eats just about anything that is tasty.
>Which does she prefer to more of? Or does she prefer junkfood?Not really sure what she prefers more, but she does try to stay away from junkfood.
>>3477396>What kind of weather is her favorite?Sunny and warm probably.
>How does she feel about casual nudity?Rather embarrassed I think. Maybe not as much around the house after a while of living together.
>What kind of mother would she be, or would she rather not be one? How would you two raise children?She would be a very kind and loving mother, but also one that teaches the children tougher lessons that she has had to learn.
We would leave them a lot of room to discover themselves, but also set up clear boundaries and pass on as much of our life experience as we could.
>What kind of dessert does she like?She makes her own pudding in the series, so maybe that's her favorite.
>Is she a collectivist, or individualist?Individualist I would think. She believes in live and let live, but I think the importance of certain collectivist concerns aren't lost on her either.
>Does your waifu have a good education?She finished high school and plans to attend college after, so I would say it's pretty good.