>>3660861>how would you nickname your waifu?I normally don't think of those but sometimes I call her Marga-chan
>>3660906>Is your waifu the one to cook or are you doing the cooking?I would do all the cooking since I'm not sure how much she knows and it would be wonderful to see her enjoy the stuff I make and see if I can shake her heart like that too
>>3661023>Does your wife carry a purse or handbag?I dont know she may have something like a coin bag like her sister has but she is never shown spending money
>Would you buy her one and would she appreciate it?If she needed one for whatever reason then sure. I hope so
>Can your wife walk in high heeled shoes?Yes
>Does she mind wearing them?Guessing on how she wears them all the time I would she probably doesn't mind wearing them for awhile
>>3661264>Would your wife wear a yukata or normal clothes to a festival?Probably normal clothes at first since she would probably be somewhat new to the concept and that's what she is probably comfortable wearing but hopefully she eventually feels comfortable enough to wear one
>>3662035>Do you like your waifu's name?I love her name it's perfect
>Does your stomach flutter when you read about someone with the same name?Not really it's only when I say her name outloud in relation to her that I smile and whatnot
>Would she mind taking your last name when you marry her?She doesn't have a last name but I hope she wouldn't be too bothered by it
>If she demanded you take her last name what would you do?She doesn't have one but if she did I would take it since I really dont care
>>3662177>What would you get your wife for her birthday?She doesn't have one
>For her anniversary? Maybe some reading or watching material for series she might like, but more importantly preform actions that really get her heart shaken to prove that even after all this time I can still do it and to show my unyielding love and dedication for her
>What would she get you for both events? I dont know