>>3441348She glomps it
>>3441403She glomps it as well
>>3441438No one in particular, she's devoted to her hometown.
She follows it until it's necessary to break it to achieve happiness. I'd do the same.
>>3441738She likes reading as a leisurely activity, but I'm not sure what serious literature she likes
>>3441792Read her source material
>>3441932She's very understanding except to idiots. She gets angry with idiots.
>>3441951Rena isn't easily scared like that. She'd find the terrified expressions of the other girls kyuute.
>>3442036Missed your posts. What happened?
>>3442059It makes me think very lewd thoughts. I'm not going to describe it for that reason. My second favorite image is kind-of a downer, since it's her at the emotional crux of one of her games, so I won't post that either.
Here's my favorite picture of her smiling. I like it 'cause she's smiling.
Make hot chocolate, cuddle under a blanket on the couch, and watch the snow fall.
>>3442064Renafag and his waif have staked their claim and are ready to fight to defend it! (Pic related)
I worry about that
No, I'd welcome that. I'm probably staying at this power level though.
5:3, with despair thinking about how much she suffers
>>3442133Silly anon, you're stuck here forever!
>>3442228A Imperator-class Titan with a fuckhueg cathedral on it's back! She took it home, it was kyuute.
>>3442326I hope I get along with the next waifufriends
>>3442427Her sixth VN. It has a lot of her, with a lot of cheerful moments and a lot of tragic ones as well. The rest of her series is really good too, just not enough of her in it.
>>3442590Pretty fucking badass
>>3442592She usually thinks they're kyuute