Even when feeling down.
>>3643971I honestly don't know anymore.
At first I thought she was hated since I would focus on every bad comment made against her but with time I understood that it was just a HUGE amount of shitposting surrounding her and this kind of "hate" is something that should be ignored since it's like an empy shell.
Now I would say that she is almost universally loved or at most people don't care about her.
>If she is loved by the fans, why? I know she is amazing in her own right, but why do you think people like her so much?When people were asked what they liked about Okita these were the common answers:
>The cutest>She likes sweets>Lovely>Top tier vanilla doujins>Good gameplay-wise>Voiced by Yuuki Aoi>Good personality>She is dying>Best waist>spoilers don't work on /c/ so the last one will lose its effect>FeetFor people that don't really know her the first and last one still hold true.
That being said I can't ignore that there are some people that actually hate her either because they hate fgo and mistakenly think she is from FGO or because they hate how she was a joke character but was put in serious settings.
Or they hate her because of footfags.
>>3644304>I hope I'm not intrudingIt's always best to have new waifufriends
>this thread format is pretty daunting what makes you say that?
Is there a scene of your waifu you get extremely emotional to?