>>2451193>Absolute nonsense. Nothing of that is in the show.Compare Rei I to Rei II and realise what the Eva's operate on
>This is also nonsense. Where are you getting this from? Take from the actual TV-series, not fanfictions.Lilith created the human race in the first impact. All descendants of Lilith undergo Instrumentality. Rei is part of Lilith.
>You watch that bit again, and you'll see it takes part before instrumentality begins. Rei is part of the instrumentality as an initiator and guide later.She still undergoes Instrumentality. She even has the same title as the rest (In the case of ...).
All characters relevant to a person are a guide in their instrumentality.
Yes, she initiated it in EoE. Doesn't mean she doesn't undergo it.
I have to go to sleep now anon, might respond in about 6 hours. Good night.