It might be really fun to go out on a ride with my wife.
>>3367944Well, Yuuri isn't very good with the reading, she can't read.
But Yuuri is really smart, she just has a different way of learning.
>>3368046I used to post a lot in /msg/ on /k/, but lately I haven't gotten anymore milsurp weapons, nor have I learned anything worthwhile.
I really want to get a new weapon, but I don't know, I really want a Type 56 AK with a spike bayonet so I can pretend I'm a VC.
Anyways, I don't post anywhere else.
>>3368367I haven't seen many, there's one that I can think of right now, but they get the essence of Yuuri wrong, it is hard to explain.
But seeing her in a less potato style isn't so bad, one of my favorites is in that fashion, but it's only because they managed to maintain the Yuuri essence.
>>3367386A kiss on the cheek.
Is she the kind of person to take baths/showers quickly?
Yuuri likes to take her time, since it can be very relaxing for her.
She doesn't really get the chance to clean herself anyways, not that she really needs to, but it's very important for someone to maintain their hygiene.