I love Elizabeth.
>>3546915My waifu doesn't know what those are. She'd probably try to dunk them in tea or something since she'd think they're tea biscuits. Then she'd realize how good Oreos taste in comparison to the confections of the early 20th century, and she'd proceed to eat an ungodly amount of them.
>>3546916My attention span is horrid. I'd probably be the most inattentive, and thus easily distracted. But I'm better at operating firearms than her. Maybe Liz could be my spotter. Our enemies would stand no chance then.
>>3546921I thought that was Alleyne for a second.
>>3546958>Stroking kitty wife's ears!Stroking human wife's ears!
>what temperatures does your wife thrive in?Columbia would probably be extremely cold at 15,000ft. But for whatever reason it's depicted as surprisingly warm for its altitude, with people bathing in the sun and all. Still, it's much colder compared to the surface. She only spends 2 months in Rapture, but I can't imagine that it was particularly warm there either. Relatively speaking, Elizabeth is surely used to cooler temperatures, albeit she wouldn't enjoy the tenebrous gloom of the colder months.
>What is she least tolerant of?High temps, most likely.
>>3546918All business. Her style seems pretty mature, even for her own time-period. The way she dresses is something I really love about her. Though I'd love to see her in something more casual. I'd say that she's also very serious in terms of her attitude. She starts off being relatively open and carefree, but she becomes more serious and even jaded as the story unfolds.
>>3547003To some of them.