>>3566321It was a long process, actually. At first, I thought she was pretty boring, another generic "serious" girl from a big idol franchise, so i didn't pay too much atention to her character. Most of the people in the series fanbase agreed with that too, so it was pretty common for me to see comments like "she is worst girl", "no character development episode lmao", that in a certain way influenced in my opinion. It wasn't until two years later, more precisely 2017, that i decided to rewatch her show, since i wanted to give her another oportunity. After i ended season 1 and 2 my mindset started to change a little bit. I found her more likeable, not boring, and even cute. But it was the movie that opened my eyes. And god, i felt like a total piece of utter crap. To treat so badly a precious, dilingent, dedicated, lovely girl, just because some stupid prejudices by some radoms on the internet, that are the type of people who claim every anime character they think are cute as their "waifu". I feel disgusted with myself every time i remember that, and try to compensate it by dedicating most of my time to her, my perfect and precious girl.
I discovered these threads a year ago, and since then i've been lurking (until today of course, considering the occasion). I like to read all of your responses, and the dedication some anons put into it is, honestly, something worth of admiration.
Godspeed, waifufags. May the love for your waifu last forever.