>>4082848Anon, Asushin is a pretty popular ship. There is a shitton of art out there you can find easily on danbooru and pixiv. No, not everything has been posted. Just by scouring through the archives I was able to find several images of Asuka and Shinji that were posted in Asuka threads but not these ones. All of you please stop being retarded. Spend a couple hours finding art and check through desuarchive if it's been posted before or recently. Oh, and make sure you don't end up downloading samples like
>>4082839 here. Consider this a friendly bit of advice from a non-Asuka and non-Asushin faggot. I was able to find these three pics just by looking through the 'booru a bit.
Why is every single EVA thread here filled with spergery, by the way?