>>3531768I've never played STALKER.
>>3531770I am the husband and the man of the house. Why would I be expected to raise the children like she does, when I also need to work to provide for them? Should I complain to my Sheik that she isn't pulling her weight because she isn't working a job? No. That's silly. The mother and father have their own roles. That isn't to say I wouldn't help raise our children, far from it, but she is the primary parent taking care of them. I trust my Sheik with that important responsibility, just as I hope she can trust me as a provider.
>>3531772What friends? But that's kind of ignoring the question if I just left it at that. So let's assume she had friends and one did push my Sheik in the pool. They just messed with the wrong girl. She would be able do so many sneaky prank things to them. They would have no idea. That isn't to say that I think my Sheik would retaliate. She probably wouldn't. But if she did feel like it, I'm sure she could do some fantastic revenge.
>>3531775>Yes, we have done this one before, but we're doing it again.This time, I will post my Sheik in a butler uniform to change things up.
>>3531777My Sheik would probably fear Ganon coming back or some other evil force like him arising the most.
>>3531796It's been a while since anyone has requested a poem, so it's nice to do this again. This one is going to be a Triolet.
A Triolet is essentially:
A (first line)
B (second line)
a (rhymes with first line)
A (repeat first line)
a (rhymes with first line)
b (rhymes with second line)
A (repeat first line)
B (repeat second line)
Love From an Impossible Distance
My heart beats rapidly whenever I think of you,
and I want to hold you close,
but your existence isn't true.
My heart beats rapidly whenever I think of you,
and not being able to interact with you makes me feel blue.
Sheik, you are what I want the most.
My heart beats rapidly whenever I think of you,
and I want to hold you close.