Etna's birthday today! Happy birthday Etna, I love you so much <3
Very thankful for NIS for giving me a date to celebrate this on.
I know I posted the pie before, but here is the full pic I took ( I know, not very scenic, wanted to take it downstairs and set something nice up, but didn't have the privacy to allow for that sadly ). A traditional dutch custard crumble pie, and a pudding for good measure.
>>3573786>If your waifu was in Smash BrosCombination of spear, gun, or axe moves for normal attacks, kicks could be aerials, special moves... there's a lot of weapon related skills in disgaea games, but one of the special moves should definitely be tossing a prinny. Her final smash would either be Sexy Beam or Dead End Chaos.
>>3573831>Would waifu prefer skirts/dresses or pants/shorts?She definitely likes skirts.
>>3574037>What are your wife's favorite colors?Definitely all for the red/black scheme.
>>3574225>Is your wife a good multitasker?She might be, but she also wouldn't want to expend that much effort.
>>3574795>What's something about being with your waifu other than her that you like?Went and studied Japanology at a university, partially so I could consume more of her media.
>>3574986>Your wife gets a head start doing chores in the morning. She made breakfast, started laundry, and wakes you with a wake up kiss. How do you thank her?Gonna have to give the same answer as Nepfag here, I'd be rather worried.
>>3575229>Me making dessert with my beautiful sweet potato.I love making sweets for Etna!
>thanksgivingNot something we celebrate here.
>>3575462>Do you have a pet name/nickname for your wife?Not really, her name's really short, unless it's like the typical "darling" stuff.
>>3575604>Who out of the two of you take the lead while dancing?Probably her, she likes taking the lead.